Pricing guide

We offer simple pricing based on your need.


8 Hours Daily
  • Salary
    10000 or more
    per Month


10 Hours
  • Salary
    12000 or more
    per Month

Live In

24 Hours
  • Salary
    15000 or more
    per Month

The working time and prices listed for each  package is an estimate. Your work and pricing may be more or less than estimated.

Extra Services

In addition to the regularly performed duties of the our team, we offer additional services for you to truly personalize your cleaning experience.

Deep Cleaning
 Clean Inside The Fridge 
 Clean Inside The Cabinets 
 Clean Inside Closets 
 Clean Interior Walls 
Move In Cleaning
 Clean Inside The Fridge 
 Clean Inside The Oven 
 Clean Interior Windows 
 One Load of Laundry 

What we can't clean

Exterior windows, Carpet cleaning, Industrial cleaning, Lifting of heavy items, Surfaces above arms reach.